By registering and putting a down payment on your room, you agree that you have read and agree to the following terms:

  • Registration price does NOT include:
    • Alcohol (although it is available)
    • Additional excursions or activities off the resort
    • Flights to and from Cancun International Airport
  • Attendees are responsible for securing their own air travel to and from the Cancun International Airport.
  • Attendees must arrive on August 8th, no later than 6:00 PM local time, and will depart August 11th.
  • Check out time on August 11th is 12:00 PM
  • Skin + Soul Retreat is located in Tulum, Mexico. While Tulum is recognized as a safe area, reasonable caution should be exercised and local laws should be acknowledged. To view the United States Travel Department travel guides attendees may visit
  • Skin + Soul Retreat is not liable for any bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death, theft or property damage of attendees participating in the retreat.
  • Attendees will be responsible for their own personal belongings. A safe is provided in each room.
  • Attendees shall be physically able to walk up and down stairs to access daily classes and possibly their room.
  • The retreat requires a minimum of 25 attendees. In the case of less than 25 attendees, all money will be refunded to any who have paid.
  • Other than a cancellation of event, no refunds will be issued, however registration can be transferred to another licenced professional at least 4 weeks before the retreat date.
  • Attendees agree to appear in photos or videos that may be used for marketing purposes. These photos will be made available to all attendees after the retreat.
  • The remaining balance of your registration is due on or before the designated due date and you agree to pay said balance on or before said due date or forfeit your room and balance paid.
  • The resort in Tulum is an eco chic facility, which means there are a few environmental restrictions. Individual room AC units only run at night from 10 PM-7AM.
  • Each room is equipped with electrical outlets however high amp appliances (blow dryers) are not compatible with the power grid.
  • Each room has running water, hot showers and flushing toilets. However, because of the lack of modern sewage systems toilet paper will be placed in a covered waste basket in the restroom that is emptied each day by house keeping.